Episode 2

Published on:

24th Aug 2021

The Herd Mentality…Really?

Today we want to look at the pitfalls of Herd Mentality Thinking and how we can avoid it through God’s Word.

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About the Podcast

Letting Everyone Access Riches In Exces
Welcome to L.E.A.R.I.E where my name is also my goal for you which is “Letting Everyone Access Riches In Excess”. I plan to accomplish this by pointing you to your “God Placed Potential” so that you can take action to access this mindset to get results.

About your host

Profile picture for Learie Peters

Learie Peters

Welcome to L.E.A.R.I.E
"Letting Everyone Access Riches In Excess"
Learie has been on a 30 year journey of discovering the amazing mindset possibilities that Father God has placed inside each of us. He has discovered that your "God Placed Potential" is inside you right now, not by accident, but by His design for you to achieve your purpose and destiny.